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Selectmen's Minutes July 16, 2002
July 16, 2002

PRESENT:  Theodore Bailey, David Colbert, Richard DeBold, and Judy Kenneally


The minutes of July 09,  2002 were approved as written, signed and will be posted to our web page.


Chairman Bailey called the Board Meeting to order at 7 PM.

Subject:   Highway Department

Present:  Road Agent Assistant A J May

A J May is continuing his work on Horse Corner Road.  He used the concrete shoot for graveling the road himself.  He said that it worked great.

The Highway Department is still mowing this week.

Selectman Colbert said that the universal stop ahead sign looks good.

Subject:   Police Department

Present: Chief Patrick Clarke

Chief Clarke said that the reports that he now charges $15.00 for would now cost $20.00 for the first 10 pages and a $1.00 per page after that.  He will also be charging $1.00 per photo.  He checked around and the rates are comparable to other towns.

Selectman Colbert requested a report for the accident involving the pole for TDS.
Subject:  Gordon Jones

Selectman DeBold swore in Mr. Jones for the Conservation Commission.

The Board agreed that they would like to see the Conservation Commission meet and vote for a new chairman.

Subject:  Jeffrey Jordan: Road Agent Interview

The Board discussed long term and short term goals with Mr. Jordan.  They also discussed what Mr. Jordan’s strengths and weaknesses were regarding this position.  Mr. Jordan would like to see an increase in motivation and accountability.  He would like to upgrade time sheets, weekly and monthly agendas, maintenance schedules for vehicles, keeping the Town Shed looking clean and professional.  He feels that he has a clear understanding of what the Board is looking for as he served on the Board for many years.  He feels confidant with his problem solving skills and his public relations.  His knowledge of being a Road Agent will be enhanced by Road Agent Assistant A J May.

Subject: David Kenneally: Road Agent Interview

The Board discussed long term and short term goals with Mr. Kenneally.  They also discussed what Mr. Kenneally’s strengths and weaknesses were regarding this position.  Mr. Kenneally would like to clean up the Town Shed, use the computer to track the miles of dirt and tar roads, dollars per mile and work it into the budget.  The culverts and ditches need to be attended to and the brush cleared so that the sun will melt the snow saving the Town money.  He would like to see vehicles inspected and ready to go or not be at the Town Shed.  He would like to hire clerical help so that the administrative money would be properly used.  He is willing to use and be responsible for weekly and monthly agendas.  Long term Mr. Kenneally has a month-by-month plan.  He has worked under Road Agents of Chichester since 1978 and is able to lay out roads, do repair and maintenance and is confidant with public relation skills.

Subject: Andrea Deachman, Planning Board Secretary

Mrs. Deachman brought back to the Board’s attention the Range Road plans.  She asked the Board of Selectmen for a determination that Short Falls Road was indeed accepted.  The Board said that at Town Meeting as well as the Road Agent and the Board of Selectmen accepted it on September 14, 1999.

Mrs. Deachman also asked about whether or not Avitar was required to go into every house to assess it.  The Board confirmed that Avitar should inspect the interior of each home and building inside and out.  The homeowner has the right to deny entry.

Mrs. Deachman likes the sign but has pointed out that the available letters lack punctuation.  She will order the punctuation for the Town.

Subject:  Board Discussion

Selectman Colbert questioned the KTM check for $768 from the Fire Department.  He wanted to verify that the monies for this bill came from the appropriate line in the budget.  Judy confirmed that this was correct.

It was so noted that the Appointee paperwork needs to be completed and lines added for who should sign on what line.  The appointee address should be on the bottom of the form.

Judy explained how the budget is set up for the Highway Department in basic terms.  The Highway budget can be moved around within budget but needs to be approved and documented with the Board to go over budget.  The Highway Department has $55,000 for the payroll budget.

Judy also explained Current Use in basic terms.

The Board discussed the candidates for the position of Road Agent.  Each Board Member voted.  Both Chairman Bailey and Selectman DeBold voted for Jeffrey Jordan.  Selectman Colbert voted for David Kenneally.

Heather will prepare the appointment paper for Jeffrey Jordan for the July 23, 2002 Board Meeting.

The Board requested a meeting with Leppard (Map 4 Lot 30) and with Dalbec (Map 3 Lot 27) for a cease and desist regarding zoning violations.  Judy will write letters for the Board to review and sign for the July 23, 2002 Meeting.  They will be asked to come in for the July 30, 2002 meeting.

Judy contacted Aqua Specialties out of Northwood regarding the Harkness water system.  Aqua Specialties has prior knowledge of this property and felt able to state that they do not feel that the water system now is not appropriate.  The company has asked that they come in and do testing to find out what the problem is.  The analysis would cost $200.  The Board agreed unanimously for this second opinion.  Aqua Specialties will be asked to meet the Board with the their results.

The Board discussed the monies being spent on the one-ton for past six months.  The Board has asked that Heather keep a more detailed report so to have a complete report ready for the next Town Meeting.  Selectman Colbert questioned the different rates charged by A J May.  Judy explained what those rates were and why it is done this way.

The Board discussed what positions needed to be filled and who should fill them.  Judy informed the Board that the Planning Board may appoint not more than five alternate members.  The term of an alternate is three years.

Selectman DeBold will write a letter of formal resignation from his position as Planning Board Alternate.  Selectman DeBold recommended Marie McKay to fill this position.  The Board unanimously agreed.

Heather will prepare the appointment paper for Marie McKay for the July 23, 2002 Board Meeting.

The Board discussed the Right-To-Know law.  Judy confirmed the Board of Selectmen cannot make decisions or do business outside of a public meeting.  The Board of Selectmen cannot get together to discuss decisions to make outside of meeting.

Heather will provide the handbook for local officials for each Board Member at the July 23, 2002 meeting explaining the Right-To-Know law.

Judy also recommended the NHMA Seminar for the Board of Selectmen.  The Board like this idea and will be informed of next seminar.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 10:40 PM.

Theodore Bailey, Chairman

David Colbert, Selectman

Richard DeBold, Selectman